
Global Satisfaction Survey Results 2022

In 2022, VALORCAR carried out a global satisfaction survey in order to collect information regarding continuous improvement of the services provided.

This survey was conducted between November 21st and December 12th through an online questionnaire. A total of 223 responses were collected, anonymously and confidentially, from centers and users of the VALORCAR NETWORK, from producers/importers adhering to VALORCAR and also from representatives of the authorities/entities with which VALORCAR has an active relationship.

Regarding producers/importers, there was a 76% satisfaction with the work carried out by VALORCAR in 2022, which represents an increase of 18% comparing to 2019.

As for VALORCAR NETWORK centers, there was a satisfaction level of 91% in terms of ELV (+6% compared to 2016) and 86% in terms of batteries (+10% compared to 2016).

With regard to users of the VALORCAR NETWORK centers, there was an 85% satisfaction rate with the centers (+3% compared to 2019) and a 92% overall satisfaction with VALORCAR (+5% compared to 2019).

As for representatives of authorities/entities, there was 100% satisfaction with the ELV management (+16% compared to 2019) as well with the batteries (+25% compared to 2019).